Search (903 total) Query: paul robeson Query type: Keyword Record types: Item File Collection of 18 Record Type Title Item Roll de Ole Chariot Along Item Were You There Item Bear de Burden/All God's Chillun Got Wings Item Roll de Ole Chariot (Clapham & Robeson); Mary Had a Baby (Jackson); Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (L. Brown); Heav'n, Heav'n (( Got a Robe) (Burleigh) Item Scandalize My Name Item Scandalize My Name Item Steal Away Item On Mah Journey Item All God's Chillun Got Wings Item De Ol' Ark's a Moverin' Item Witness Item Mary Had a Baby, Yes Lord Item There's a Man Going 'Round Taking Names Item Deep River Item This Little Light of Mine Item Weepin' Mary Item I Stood on the River Item On My Journey Item Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen Item Mary Had a Baby, Yes Lord Item Deep River Item Steal Away Item Stand Still, Jordan Item Peter, Go Ring a Dem Bells Item There's a Man Going 'Round Taking Names Item On My Journey Item All God's Chillun Got Wings Item Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Item De Ole Ark's a-Movering/Ezekiel Saw de Wheel Item Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Item We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder Item Jacob's Ladder Item Mount Zion (On My Journey) Item Nobody Knows de Trouble I've Seen Item Deep River Item Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho Item Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho Item Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho Item Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Item Mount Zion Item Jacob's Ladder Item I'm Gonna Let It Shine Item Go Down Moses Item Mary Had a Baby, Yes Lord Item Joshua Fit de Battle ob Jericho Item Bye and Bye Item On Our Knees Item Mount Zion (On My Journey) Item Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Item Some Day He'll Make It Plain to Me Item Scandalize My Name Item I'm Gonna Let It Shine of 18